Club news of 25th August - 2021-08-25 08:47:00

Club Lotto

Numbers 4,11,35

No winner 

€40 to Eoin Hayes Lispatrick, Alan Collins Ballinroe, Ml Galvin Old Court

Jackpot next week €700

It was a very proud day for the club last Sunday when Sean Twomey was named on the Cork team to play in the All Ireland Hurling Final.  It was a first for the club.  Unfortunately it was not Cork's day.


Good Luck to Linda, Saoirse and Fiona in the All Ireland Camogie Semi Final vs Kilkenny in Croke Park on Sunday at 4pm 

Tickets are available now via Ticketmaster    

The Camogie and Ladies Football club are holding a clothes collection on Saturday next in the pitch car park from 10am to 12pm


U18 H/L Courceys 1-11 Bandon 1-23

U13 H/L Courceys 2-10 Kilbrittain 4-10

J.A.H.L Courceys 3-19 Kinsale 0-15


Wed 25th AugU16 Camogie Championship
MillstreetBallinspittle 7pm
Fri 27th AugU13 F/LCourceys 2AghabullogueBallinspittle7pm
Sat 28th AugJ.A.H.Champ Round 2

U8 Go Games
Valley Rovers  Ballinspittle10.30am

Sun 29th AugU12 Camogie
Erins OwnBallinspittle 11.30am

Minor Camogie 
CharlevilleBallinspittle 4.30pm
Mon 30th AugU12 h/lCourceys 2Eire OgOvens 7pm
Mon 30th  AugU12 H/LCourceys 1Clonakilty 1Ballinspittle7pm
Tue 31st AugU15h/lCourceys 2Glen Rovers 2Glen Rovers7.30pm
Tue 31st AugU15 H/Champ 
Valley Rovers  Brinny7pm
Thur 2nd SeptU13 H/L
Sept 3rd/5th J.A.F.Champ Round 3

Sat 4th SeptU15 H/Champ 
BandonBallinspittle 7pm
Sept 10th/12thJ.A.H. Champ Round 3

Sat 11th SeptP.I.H.Champ
Sun 12th SeptU15 F/L Semi Final
Mon 13th SeptU12 h/lCouceys 2 Innisacarra 2Ballinspittle7pm
Sat 18th SeptU12 h/lCouceys 2 Kinsale 2Kinsale 12 noon